Message from the President

Despite an increasing knowledge regarding the pathomechanisms underlying diseases progress, there is still plenty of unknown in molecular pathways and systems functions making the difference between health and diseased states.
The aim of the International Society for Pathophysiology is to get together researchers, clinicians, leaders and experts from the research institutions and business companies from all around the world and to provide a unique opportunity for global networking in the pathophysiology. The Society provides a comprehensive platform to discuss hot topics in pathophysiology, to identify new targets for diagnosis and treatment of human diseases as well as to define new research trends.
It is my honour and pleasure to be a president of the Society for the period 2018-2022. We have a lot of work to do, especially with the renewal of membership, with the recruitment of new members, finding sponsors and with the organization of future ISP Congress in 2022. Great efforts we have to give to the maintenance and development of the Society Journal – Pathophysiology.
I would like to thank to Prof. Bolevich from Moscow and Prof. Jakovljevic from Kragujevac for their willingness to organize next ISP Congress in Moscow and to Prof. Steven Alexander, PhD for the excellent management of our Journal. Big thanks to Prof. Pavel Hamet for his previous management of the Society and to my colleagues for the organization of the ISP Congress in Bratislava in 2018.
I look forward to working with you in the next four years and welcome your suggestions, inputs and new ideas.
— Prof. Olga Pechanova
Call for submissions!
With the tremendous help and effort of the MDPI publishing house, who deserve our gratitude, we managed to save the journal Pathophysiology.
To fulfill our efforts, please submit your latest articles to Pathophysiology. The article processing charges (1000 CHF) for the submissions to Pathophysiology will be fully waived before the end of the year.
Be part of the new Pathophysiology. Thank you in advance.
Olga Pechanova
ISP President
Scam Alert
Warning! We have received reports of a fraudulent e-mail pretending to be sent by myself in which Prof. Matsuo from ISP requests financial assistance to buy a flight ticket.
Please do not reply to it and do not call the number in the message – it is a scam!
Thank you for understanding.
I wish you good health and patience in the current situation.
Olga Pechanova